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David Allen Pratt
6:00am - 10:00am
Kool 98-3 Morning Wake Up
David Allen Pratt
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Hang Ups and Hang Outs: Why Your Favorite Characters Can't Say "Goodbye"

If you’ve ever screamed at your screen, “Just say goodbye, you barbarian!” while watching a movie or TV show, rest assured, you’re not alone. The abrupt end to phone conversations in fiction, sans the polite goodbyes we’re accustomed to in real life, isn’t just an oversight—it’s a deliberate choice by filmmakers and writers. The reason? It all comes down to pacing and storytelling efficiency. Apparently, adding in a courteous “bye” slows down the action, and let’s face it, we’re here for drama and intrigue, not phone etiquette.

This cinematic phenomenon might leave some of us feeling unsettled and a tad rude by proxy, but fear not. It’s merely a tool used to keep the plot moving and viewers hooked. After all, in the fast-paced world of movies and TV, who has time for pleasantries? This storytelling shortcut ensures that every second on screen counts toward the unfolding narrative, keeping the audience at the edge of their seats—or at least focused on the storyline rather than the characters’ phone manners. Just goes to show, there’s always a reason behind the little things we notice in our favorite shows and movies. A good reminder that it’s just make-believe, and not to take it into the real world!

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